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Ruprecht Karls Universität Heidelberg
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Important conferences, seminars, workshops and activities in which our group is directly involved

Next Events:

5 - 10 December 2021: Fourteenth Tonale Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy), Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

Previous Events:


6 - 11 December 2020: Fourteenth Tonale Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy), Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage (Cancelled and postponed to 2021)

4 - 29 May 2020: The Accelerating Universe: The Physics and Astrophysics of Dark Energy and Gravitation, MIAPP (Munich). Official webpage


9 - 13 December 2019: Thirteenth Tonale Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy), Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

Block course: Testing Fundamental Physics with Cosmology, July, 2019 webpage

Euclid Theory Working Group meeting, Oxford 8-9 April 2019 webpage


10 - 14 December 2018: Twelfth Tonale Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy), Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

Block course: Testing Fundamental Physics with Cosmology, July, 2018 webpage

Euclid Consortium Meeting, Bonn, 11-15 June 2018, webpage and registration here.

TRR33 “The Dark Universe” meeting, Heidelberg, 14-16 May 2018, webpage and registration here.

Euclid Theory Working Group Meeting, IHP (Paris), 16-18 April 2018, webpage and registration here.

Euclid IST Meeting, IHP (Paris), 18-20 April 2018, webpage and registration here.

Block course: Testing Fundamental Physics with Cosmology, February 5th, 2018 webpage


10 - 16 December 2017: Eleventh TRR33 Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy), Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

TRR33 “The Dark Universe” , Munich, 9-13 October 2017, webpage

Euclid Consortium Meeting, London, 5-8 June 2017, webpage and registration http://euclid2017.london/.

Euclid Theory Working Group Meeting, IWH (Heidelberg), 2-3 May 2017, webpage and registration here.

Euclid IST Meeting, IWH and Philosophenweg 12 (Heidelberg), 4-5 May 2017, webpage and registration here.

Block course: Testing Fundamental Physics with Cosmology, February 13, 2017 webpage


11 - 16 December 2016: Tenth TRR33 Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy) Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

26-07-2016: Block course: Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology webpage

30-05-2016 to 3-06-2016: Euclid Consortium annual meeting, Lisbon, Portugal webpage

21-03-2016 to 13-05-2016: Theoretical Cosmology in the Era of Large Scale Surveys, Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, Florence, Italy. GGI Workshop

February 2016, ITP Heidelberg, Block course on advanced cosmological topics: Testing fundamental physics with Cosmology


6 - 11 December 2015: Ninth TRR33 Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy). Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

Heidelberg-Geneva joint meeting 26-28th October 2015: Gravity at the Largest Scales

Corfu Workshop 13-19th September 2015: Particles and the Universe

July 2015, ITP Heidelberg: Introductory lectures to massive gravity by Kurt Hinterbichler. Mini-Course Outline

ITP Local Interactions 2015, May 12-13th: Gravity Beyond Einstein

Euclid Consortium Meeting 2015, June 8-12th: Euclid Consortium Meeting

Stockholm Conference 2-20th March 2015: Extended Theories of Gravity

Oslo Conference 13-17th January 2015: Beyond LCDM


7-12th December 2014: Eighth TRR33 Winter School, Passo del Tonale (Italy). Theory for Observers & Observations for Theorists. Official school webpage

Ringberg Conference 15-19th December 2014: The quest for Dark Energy II: theory and simulations confront observations:

July 2014, ITP Heidelberg, Lectures on Non-linear perturbation theory for Large Scale Structure by Prof. Massimo Pietroni. slides

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